Eco School
Charnwood Eco Projects
- Whole school Pen/ pencils recycling scheme
- Energy monitoring tokens – Classes encouraged to switch off: lights/projectors/switches/ and close doors/windows through daily tokens.
- Waste: Reducing and monitoring our school dinner waste.
- Biodiversity - Polli:Gen Project and WWF Leicester Urban Wildlife Project
- Litter
Charnwood Food For life projects
- The school council developed initiative called ‘ 5 Minute fruit time’ , encouraging every pupil to have their healthy fruit/vegetable snack in class within their friendship/social groups.
- Packed Lunch monitoring – Assemblies and poster competitions to encourage children to eat a balanced packed lunch.
- Cooking in the curriculum: Each year group encouraged to cook/prepare ( Using healthy / vegetarian ingredients) a meal/ recipe linked to topic.
Fundraising events
Poverty Action week – Wear a funky Scarf day
In support of Poverty action week we raised money for Charity Link, a local charity in the city, who helps people and children by providing essential items including: food, clothing and beds to those in need. With your donations we raised£101.99 and collected food items for hampers which we donated to the Highfields Food Bank. We received a letter from Jon Ashworth (M.P) thanking the school community for the generous donations made.
‘Wear a Funky Scarf day’, assembly in which we presented our magnificent food hampers to Charity Link.
Pollination Project - Visit to Melbourne Street community gardens Celebration session - November & December |
Mrs Platt and some of the Year 5 and 6 children have been involved in a project “Pollination for the next generation” that is funded by “Learning through landscapes”. They have been learning about pollinating insects and their importance to our environment and how we can encourage and incorporate pollination into our own school grounds. The children have linked up and visited our local community garden on Melbourne Street where they have worked alongside members of the local community to learn about pollination and helped to plant shrubs, herbs and flowering plant. We had 5 winning children- Azra K , Khizrah S, Fatimah N, Aadam S, Saarah T, who designed a local garden green space, they each received a pollinator package worth £50. The children showcased their learning about eco-systems and the importance of pollination to their parents during a celebration event in December. We would like to thank all the parents who attended and supported their children. |
Improving our school grounds and encouraging biodiversity into the school grounds |
We have received funding as part of our participation in the ‘Leicester Urban Wildlife Project’ to purchase planters, barrels, shrubs and plants. Mrs Shenton and Mrs Platt have spent time weeding and planting shrubs, trees and flowers in order to encourage wildlife into our school grounds. Enjoy looking at the plants as the weather improves and the wildlife flourishes. Mrs Shenton will restart the Gardening Club with a group of children in the summer term. Thank you to those children who gave up their playtime to help with the planting. |
Food for Life - Silver Award
We have been awarded the Food for Life Silver Award.
Please see our certificate below: